Selecting, pick and placing objects can be a very time-consuming and costly activity, here intervenes the GROW project. 

The GROW project tackles this challenge by developing new software that empowers robots to perform these tasks – selecting, picking, and placing various objects – from shelves. This innovation has the potential to significantly improve efficiency and reduce costs associated with these repetitive tasks.

The GROW potenxtiality

Fast Learning: GROW excels at recognizing and picking up new objects with minimal training time, unlike other solutions that might require extensive programming for each new item.

Agile Planning: GROW boasts rapid planning capabilities. It can plan object grasping and placement strategies in a very short time frame compared to other software.

Versatile Integration: GROW offers high adaptability. It can be integrated into various robotic systems, regardless of the specific hardware configuration.

Reduced Human Dependence: GROW minimizes the need for human intervention throughout the picking and placing process. This translates to lower operational costs and potentially frees up human workers for other tasks.


Accelerate Order Fulfillment: Expedite order fulfillment processes in warehouses and distribution centers.

Enhance Manufacturing Precision: Elevate precision and consistency in assembly lines and manufacturing operations.

Automate Repetitive Tasks: Free up human workers for more complex and value-added activities.

Optimize Resource Allocation: Reduce operational costs and maximize resource utilization